Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Could a Harvard MBA be in my future?

Yesterday I left work early to drive down to Calgary and attend an info session for the Harvard MBA program. I left feeling as though I would really, really like to go to Harvard Business School.

Of course, I am merely average, and most people that get into Harvard are more than merely average. But perhaps if I can up my game, or something, then I will be able to get in. I suppose the first obstacle will be the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test). If I can ace the GMAT, that will definitely improve my odds. Beyond that, if I can step things up at work, then maybe I can get a good reference and some good points to put on the resume.

I don't know why I'm saying this... I imagine it would be all well and good if I got an MBA from any old school. I could secretly apply to Harvard and if I didn't get in (which, to be fair, is a likely outcome) and only got into a good school, then that would still be good.

But I really want to go to Harvard...


Wendy said...

You'll never know if you don't try Julie!!! Go for it... You can do it cousin!!!

Anonymous said...

I am about to take the GMAT too and I know how hard the test can be. I have been preparing myself by taking an online GMAT prep course to help me get ready. It has been very beneficial to me so far, so I am hoping I can pass the real thing. Good luck to you