Monday, January 18, 2010

Q3, I Think We Can Be Friends

When my alarm went off at 7 a.m., I quickly brainstormed ways to hit "Snooze" - not for another 9 minutes of sleep, but for another week of vacation.

I dragged my butt into my new seat in Section V and quickly scanned the GEM (Global Economies and Markets) case for my 8 a.m. class. As Murphy's Law would have it, I got the first cold call of the quarter and completely fumbled my way through. (For the record, I don't think anyone else noticed my struggle quite like I did.)

A new quarter brings new sections and thus I am separated from my beloved Section B, forced to share a classroom with new people. The familiar classroom discussion dynamics are gone, and now we all must learn new backgrounds and names.

So going into the afternoon, I was pretty down on Q3. But then, I realized that the courseload is lighter. For the first time since arriving at Darden, I managed to make it to learning team and then get home in time to watch "How I Met Your Mother" at 8! (And that was with a triumphant discovery on how to use the new decision tree software for DA* which required us to completely remodel the tree for tomorrow's class.)

On top of all that, we only have ONE Friday with classes in all of Q3.

So, despite getting off to a rocky start, I think Q3 and I are going to get along just fine.

The other interesting dynamic of Q3 is the role of recruiting. Some students are lucky enough to have internship offers sewn up already. (Banking recruiting all happened last week.) Others are more focussed on interview prep than classroom prep. Personally, I am trying to balance coursework with practice interviews. I'm optimistic about a few great internship opportunities in the pipeline and will probably wait to say anything more until I've been offered and accepted an opportunity.

*DA = Decision Analysis

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