Saturday, July 25, 2009

Monkey Wrenches

One thing that I am starting to learn is that blips in the plan are God's way of reminding me to depend on Him.

After attempting to sell my car and pretty much giving up, I had three people express interest in it today. I am leaving in a week... so within a week, I will need to change the tires on my "new" car, get a stereo installed AND change over the insurance and registration. Oh yeah, and did I mention I will be gone to the mountains for two and a half days?

The nice part of this plan, though, is that my sisters, who do not drive standard/manual transmission, will not have to worry about getting stuck in some traffic jam on the highway. More importantly, I'll be able to bring more stuff along.

The last week has been filled with preoccupation with someone else's stress and I've been helping to tie ribbons around bottles and scrolls, decorate reception rooms and remind my friend, the bride, not to stress. But as I'm sitting in the Omaha airport, getting ready to head back to Edmonton and some semblance of "real life," the details are pressing in again. Unanswered emails in my inbox will need replies, cars will need to be sold, and trunks will need to be packed.

But the subject of this blog posting is "monkey wrenches," so I would be better served to talk about the other big monkey wrench this week, though it was quickly resolved. After checking off the big item of "visa" from my list a few months ago, I got an email from the international students office asking for a document ASAP. (To make a long story short, I changed my funding, emailed to see if I needed to send them anything a MONTH ago, didn't get a reply [or follow-up] and then this week, they requested a document.) Since I'm a relatively meticulous planner, this threw me off, and suddenly I had visions of not being able to leave Edmonton on time and having all my schools plans go down the drain. (My imagination is apparently overactive.)

Thanks to my mom, and my careful filing of important documents, it was all taken care of and a new I-20 is on the way, or maybe even already arrived.

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